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Iced Eye of Horus Necklace

  • Hand-Place AAA Cubic Zirconia
  • Plated 316 Stainless Steel
  • No-Turn No-Irritation

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Iced Eye of Horus Necklace

  • Hand-Place AAA Cubic Zirconia
  • Plated 316 Stainless Steel
  • No-Turn No-Irritation


Historically, “The Eye” became Ancient Egyptians’ most distinctive symbol of Spirituality from its ability to perceive the light, as noted in the world’s earliest books: Interior African, Nubian, and Egyptian Mortuary or Coffin Texts, the Pyramid Texts (a collection of powerful sayings carved on the internal walls of pyramids), The Book of the Dead, and the Book of the Instructions of Ptahhotep. “The Eye” arose from the Lady of Flame, the local sun goddess Wadjet (green one). Pyramid Texts (Bailey, Ancient African Bible Messages) said what gave rise to the Horus eye was the keystone message for each human to “Know Thyself”. This means one has discovered what is natural within oneself so as to thereby identify oneself with all that lives + to know the Essence of the Eternal Cosmic Force, Sekhem underlies one’s own natural source and all Real Things. This Knowledge enables one to be in complete harmony and in tune with the universe in the same complete and natural way as the bond between mother and child.

Very Ancient Africans evolved this Wisdom concept as the highest form of Common Sense into the single geometrical center Eye of Heru–the Eye of the Will—ones ability to visualize what one Wills to achieve—the Symbol of the single vision of Intuition which dawns at the level of Consciousness–all results of the “Third Eye” or Pineal Gland. Ancient African Sages said “Vision” refers to the act or power of perceiving what is not actually present to the eye but instead is achieved by means of the Mind’s Eye (the “Third Eye”; Inner Eye; Eye of Asar; “Divine Eye”; Eye of Heru; Eye of Horus; Eye of Horus; Eye of Providence; “All-Seeing Eye of God) located in the pineal gland of the brain. When one begins to see with the Third Eye, one becomes unified with the Laws of Nature. At that point, utilization of the Pineal Gland paves ways for special insights. The Mind’s Eye enables one’s intellectual and imaginative mental energy forces to discern interrelationships between similar and dissimilar things; see the common in the uncommon; sense their invisible connections; and spotlight, whatever up to that point, has been subtle and hidden. African “Vision” is applied to this happening. Making such bonding discoveries increases one’s awareness of the range of options in cause/effects, choices/decisions, and problems/solutions. For Ancient African Prophets, given that the Sun is the source of Light and that “Light” is coming from God’s mind and divine intelligence, it represents the Spiritual Elements and their contents (e.g. Universal Energy). This was symbolized by the sun god Ra (Re), a reflection of the Cosmic “Light”—the Life Force and ruler over Cosmic Creation.

In Egyptian Mystery Schools (12,500 BC?), the Mind’s Eye’s “Inner Vision” had great significance. While Physical vision depends on the eyes, Astral Vision depends on various kinds of Astral Matter being receptive to different undulations. To become an Egyptian priest required passing from a state of Lower Self awareness (a sort of animal-like self) into the Higher or Spiritual Self (African “Sakhu” for Soul). As a vehicle for making this transition, the Inner vision resulting from the Mind’s Eye was believed to pave the way for illumination understanding. Apparently, African Sages’ “Inner Vision” enabled them to see various activities in the very active Astral world. Like understanding the sciences of astronomy, quantum, and metaphysics.

Additional information

Brand Name

That Ankh Life

Metals Type

Real Gold Plated Stainless Steel



Chain Type

Link Chain


Cubic Zirconia

Model Number



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